Terms and Conditions for using Fraon.com

The fraon.com domain and its contents are the property of fraon.com. The logo, the design and look of the pages, and the unique combination of html and css code used to create and format the pages are intellectual property of fraon.com.

The site is here for visitors to view and enjoy. Realize that considerable time and effort has been expended to capture the images contained on fraon.com and present them in a web page format. Consequently, there are some limitations on how the images and other content contained within fraon.com may be used.

Private use of the web site and its contents is encouraged, but no user will be given exclusive rights to view and use the contents of fraon.com.

Images can be downloaded to a personal home or work computer for private use provided the images are not 're-packaged' into a screen saver, physical or electronic album, or similar, and forwarded for the private use of others.

The images from fraon.com can be displayed on your own personal web site or web page provided you add a statement adjacent to the image that says 'photo courtesy of fraon.com', and provide a link back to www.fraon.com. If you have several images from fraon.com on the same page, it is acceptable to add a single statement on the page that says 'photos courtesy of fraon.com', and provide a link back to www.fraon.com. The image posted on your own personal web site or web page may be not altered or modified in any way, including, but not limited to, cropping, obscuring or removing the fraon.com logo, or obscuring or removing the digital watermark contained within the image. You may not 'frame' or use framing techniques to enclose any portion of the content on fraon.com and present it on your own site.

If you want to display an image from fraon.com in an online forum, newsgroup, or similar by 'hot-linking' to it, I'd prefer you didn't. Post a copy of the image with a statement adjacent to the image that says 'photo courtesy of fraon.com' and provide a link back to www.fraon.com. So yes, you can still 'hot-link' to the image, but if fraon.com has bandwidth problems associated with this 'hot-linking' the domain where the 'hot-link' resides will be blocked. Note that this block will prevent any user in your forum from 'hot-linking' or hyperlinking back to the fraon.com domain. Additionally, the image may not altered or modified in any way, including, but not limited to cropping, obscuring or removing the fraon.com logo, or obscuring or removing the digital watermark contained within the image.

If you want to create a hyperlink to any page within the site to your own personal site, you are given permission to do so provided the link does not portray fraon.com in a false, misleading, or otherwise offensive manner.

If you are a student performing research for an academic project, please review the 'fair use' guidelines before downloading content from fraon.com so that proper usage occurs and attribution is given.

If you are an individual acting in a professional capacity as an employee or agent, you are free to browse the site and view the contents. You may not download any of the content of fraon.com beyond browser-caching required for page view.

All other use of the contents of this site is expressly forbidden without prior written permission. Please notify me by email which image(s) you plan to use, how they will be used, and provide a contact name, email address, and telephone number so you can be reached. The fraon.com copyright will not be relinquished, nor will permission for exclusive use be given for any content on fraon.com. A licensing fee may be required for use of these materials, but this fee will be waived for non-profits and charity organizations. Images without the logo and/or at higher resolution than appears on the web site can also be supplied. Additional requirements relative to the display of a fraon.com copyright, or a link back to fraon.com, may also be required depending on the intended use. I can be reached here to begin discussions of your intended use.


I will pursue you through the law if you choose to ignore these terms and conditions and infringe on my intellectual property and copyrights. Please be aware that the law does provide for punitive measures in these circumstances.

For some information about copyrights, I suggest you review 'Copyright Basics' put out by the US Government, and an excellent article by Brad Templeton on the 10 Big Myths about Copyright Explained. Additional information on copyrights is easily found by using the internet search engine of your choice.

If you have visited fraon.com and feel that something presented here is infringing on your copyrights, then please contact me immediately so the matter can be resolved.